The Mistake of making Hate from a Mistake.

I Don't Know What You Are Talking About Florid...

I Don’t Know What You Are Talking About Florida So Here’s A Painting Of George Zimmerman With A Pancake On His Head (Photo credit: faithmouse)

George Zimmerman was found not guilty. Wait, did that just make me a racist bigot for stating that? I mean I didn’t amend those words with tones of outrage, or add a hashtag proclaiming my solidarity to some cause for justice. So I have to be, right, Cause I did not make it immediately clear my bias.

Now I may be a bit thick in the melon rind, or some slow-witted buffoon, but I actually think that before any conclusion can be drawn to propel my opinion, a diligent exploration of the facts should be undertaken.

I know.. crazy, right?

Well that’s the way I do things when it comes to forming an opinion on some over-hyped media frenzy that I have nothing to do with personally but am suppose to feel outraged for.

Now, I do feel real sympathy for the parents of Travon Martin, and believe that any life, taken so young, is tragic. What troubles me most is what would follow, and the efforts of the media and others to repurpose a boys death to a race hate circus.

The particulars of the case, the evidence that was presented, and the verdict that was returned as a result, are all seen through a rage filled lens that Zimmerman was a White-Jewish Racist with a black heart who shot Travon, then danced on his corpse in celebration and what not.

The thing is.. the race card.. well it seems somebody added that to the deck..

See the Story..

Here is an excerpt..

Federal agents interviewed Zimmerman’s neighbors and co-workers, but none said Zimmerman had expressed racial animus at any time prior to the Feb. 26 shooting of Martin, a black teen, in a confrontation at a Sanford housing complex. As Sanford police investigated the circumstances of Martin’s death, the FBI opened a parallel probe to determine if Martin’s civil rights had been violated.

Now to be fair I have excoriated the FBI pretty good here on this blog over the Boston Marathon Bombers, so It behooves me to mention they may have overlooked something. However, it was clear that they were in full Witch-Hunt Mode as they interviewed thirty or so and came up with ZERO evidence of racial animus.

Animus of race seems, had a origin somewhere however..

Here is a little bit of that story.

Last night’s not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial will enable the neighborhood-watch volunteer to resume his case against NBC News for the mis-editing of his widely distributed call to police. Back in December, Zimmerman sued NBC Universal Media for defamation over the botched editing, which depicted him as a hardened racial profiler.

For those who don’t know, NBC ..Mis-Edited.. the 911 call from Zimmerman, resulting in the firing of several employees.


During our investigation it became evident that there was an error made in the production process that we deeply regret. We will be taking the necessary steps to prevent this from happening in the future and apologize to our viewers.

I will not speak to the merits of the Zimmerman case, nor to the verdict, or to his guilt or innocence, as that has been decided by a jury of his peers. As for Justice having been done, justice sometimes takes a rather sickened pallor for her own sake overall, here is an example of that.

What I will speak to is the issue of Race, or more specially the absence of it, or its addition to.. depending on how best it suites the hate if fuels, and who might gain form it.

Stirring up Hate Cold War style, Another reason Putin Sucks.

English: Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Deutsch...

English: Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Deutsch: Der junge Wladimir Putin in KGB-Uniform Français : Vladimir Poutine en uniforme du KGB (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have commented before on my thoughts about Jihadists. The Hate that fuels them to be a cancer for all mankind is not something I feel compelled to dissect, nor will I take the apologist tact of assuming that “It must be something we did for them to hate us so” either because I Think that’s a batshit crazy Idea.

As It turns Out, there is someone to blame, at least in part for that Hate.

The Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (KGB)

Here is the article that puts them right at the heart of Fomenting that Hate.

Here is an excerpt that just tickles me.

Pacepa and Rychlak conclude that much of the  anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and elsewhere can be traced back to  Soviet clandestine operations, in which he himself played a major role.

So all this reckless hate, well the seeds were sown when the cold war raged, by the efforts of the KGB.

Now for those who don’t know it Vladimir Putin, or as I like to refer to him, The greatest tool of our Time, Was a Member of the KGB, during this time, at a policy making level.

Currently He supports the regimes in Syria, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba.

Basically the places where human rights mean the least, and freedom is a rather dubious thing.

It should come as no surprise that he is harboring NSA leaker Snowden, as he has a history of F*&king us over that’s as expansive as his  ENORMOUS ego.

I have personal resentments for him which I will only mention in passing,  but by and large, he is as big a threat to mankind as Stalin ever was, he just hasn’t made good on those threats yet the way old red Joe did.

So the next Terror threat they talk about, and sadly the next attack that takes innocent lives, remember who stirred it up, and who gains the most in our downfall.

Also when you see a picture of that Tool, Putin, flip it(and him) off.. add a nice expletive laced insult if your in the mood, you might just feel better..

I always do.


Environmental Protection Agency Seal

Environmental Protection Agency Seal

(Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Why sometimes goverment sucks.

The EPA has become the land of Eco-Deush-Nazis. These folks lives were completely devastated, and they(EPA) can’t even pay attention to who can and cant be extorted.

EPA.. I call Bullshit on you..

Let’s talk about Free Speech, but you’ll need to keep that Secret, AG Holder Offers the Press.

English: Official portrait of United States At...

English: Official portrait of United States Attorney General Eric Holder Español: Retrato oficial de Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos Eric Holder (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For The record I am not partisan. If you don’t believe me do to the fact I am about to excoriate Attorney General Eric Holder for what I believe is a clear violation of the First Amendment, then ask yourself why, cause You will be the only one who cares cause I sure wont.

Eric holder seems to have a memory problem, and is at the least unsure what his justice department is doing.

On the Associated Press debacle, which now is blooming into quite a “thorough” investigation as thousands of calls, emails, and texts were tracked read and monitored, Holder offers this.

Here is an excerpt from the HuffPost.

The Attorney General recused himself from the leak investigation that wound up targeting the AP, so he had a handy way to avoid answering any questions about it when he was called before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

“I was not the person involved in that decision,” he told Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the committee. “I was recused in that matter.”

So He Recused Himself. HMMM..  Given the scope, and the how grave a threat to national security this was I’m sure he knows exactly when he did, less he taint the investigation with suggestions of impropriety…Yet We have this.

Attorney General Eric Holder told the House Judiciary Committee he recused himself from the leak investigation involving sweeping surveillance of the Associated Press because he was a “fact witness,” meaning he had access to the classified data at issue and was questioned about it. But he can’t recall when he recused himself.

So.. He recused himself.. but.. doesn’t remember when, and there is no written record…

Ehhh.. It could happen..

Next there is the strange case of Foxnews Reporter James Rosen.. who was investigated by the justice department.

*Yes I know… I know… Its fox news so who cares if it was legal.. or ethical.. or a violation of free speech.. its not like the specific targeting of one political group by a government agency .. cause THAT never happens…

(*)said with Eye rolling sarcasm

Eric Holder, on the investigation of the press.. had this to say..

Holder’s testimony before the panel came just days after the Justice Department confirmed that it had obtained the telephone records of several Associated Press reporters. During the hearing, Holder was asked about the use of the Espionage Act to prosecute journalists, and Holder said that prosecutions against reporters usually do not succeed. He also said that he had never been personally involved in the potential prosecution of a journalist who disclosed sensitive material.

That is not something that I have ever been involved in, or would think would be a wise policy,” Holder told the panel.

*Seems Legit.. I mean his word is his bond right…

(*) You already know what  the asterisk means..

However.. it seems there is a bit of a complication.. a bump in testimony road so to speak.

WASHINGTON, May 28 (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Eric  Holder personally approved a decision to subpoena Fox News  telephone records as the Justice Department investigated an  unauthorized leak regarding North Korea, officials said on  Tuesday.

I have to tell you, when you have the Huffpost calling out ANYBODY in the Obama Administration, on behalf of a Fox News Reporter, that’s some next level shit right there.

SO Holder, with his dangleys  caught in the spin Machine good and proper, He decides to “Open a Dialoge” with the  lords of the press and make things all better.. come clean.. so to speak..

Yet  what he offered was a “Off the Record parlay”

This is what he got for his hubris.

Washington (CNN) – Attorney General Eric Holder’s plans to sit down with media representatives to discuss guidelines for handling investigations into leaks to the news media have run into trouble.

The Associated Press issued a statement Wednesday objecting to plans for the meetings to be off the record. “If it is not on the record, AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations should be updated in an open letter,” said Erin Madigan White, the AP’s media relations manager. The New York Times is taking the same position. “It isn’t appropriate for us to attend an off-the-record meeting with the attorney general,” executive editor Jill Abramson said in a statement.

(CNN reporting this story also Declined as well, Along almost all major News Outlets)

Folks I got to tell you.. been a while sense the “Media” in this country has been on the same page about anything, and that page is freedom of speech, and from persecution for things said that one political party or another just doesn’t like.

That ..Having been Said.. (shameless plug)

Looks like they are this time.. and we are better for it that’s for sure.